1 November 2022
Northern Peatlands in Canada: A Story Map

In conversations about natural solutions to climate change, many people first think of the Amazon and other rainforests. However, many other ecosystems also have roles to play in carbon sequestration that are often overlooked. To that end, the Wildlife Society of Canada has created a story map focusing on one of Canada’s–and the world’s–most important natural resources: peatlands.

Peatlands only cover about 3% of the Earth’s surface but are the world’s largest terrestrial carbon store. As 25% of peatlands are found in Canada, one of Canada’s greatest opportunities to aid the fight against climate change is in the conservation of these key ecosystems. The story map details the locations of these peatlands along with the importance of their preservation and several calls to action, including working with Indigenous Guardians and developing a Pan-Canadian Peatlands Strategy.

View the story map here.

Further reading:

Visit @WCS_Canada and @megsmaps on Twitter for more information.